It’s a New Year!

It’s that time of year to reflect on the past and look forward to the future. 

2009 was full of so many ups and downs (in weight, emotionally, in elevation and in latitudes.)  I moved to a new state, developed one of my passions into a wonderful hobby (which was also a job for a short time,) gained weight, lost weight, gained it back, visited places I’ll always remember, moved again, made some new friends, drifted from some others, celebrated births and celebrated the life of those who’ve passed.  When looking back on all that happened in the past year, I’m amazed.  God has blessed me abundantly…and that was just ONE year!

Looking forward, I’ve come up with a few goals to strive toward in the coming days and months of 2010.  (<—-I’m saying twenty-ten.  What are you calling this year?) 

~I’m striving to purposely live each day by SHOWING love.  Too often I’ve only thought of ways to love people.  I need to ACT on those thoughts for them to truly be an expression of love.  By love I don’t necessarily mean love for only my family and friends.  I’m talking about love to a stranger.  I’m talking about love toward an enemy. 

34“A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. 35By this all men will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.”  John 13:34-35 

~A less important, yet still valid, goal of mine is to live a physically healthier life.  I’ve already started working on this by taking a brisk two-mile walk each day.  This time has become a great way to get out into the beauty of the natural world just outside my doorstep.  It’s also been a valuable time for my husband and I to catch up on each other’s days.

~Thirdly, I’d like to find employment during 2010.  Through this I can show love to new people that I’ll meet, to my husband by showing that I am willing to work toward providing for our future financially and to myself by getting out and making new friends. 

I’m so excited to see what wonderful things God has in store for 2010!  It’s going to be a great year!

What are your goals for this new year?  Also, what are you calling 2010?  Twenty-ten?  Two thousand and ten?  Ten?  Oh-ten?  You tell me.

OH!  One more thing….I’ll definitely need to work on updating this blog more than once every six months!  Haha!  =)