
Chairein, friends!  The Greek translation of this word means “joy to you.”  I love that!  Hearing this really spoke to me.  Beth Moore says that joy is our birthright and cannot be taken away from us.  This message seems pretty fitting to share with you considering the subtitle for my blog is “Finding joy in the everyday moments.”  I discovered this word while participating in week two of Beth Moore’s study of James (James: Mercy Triumphs.)  Chairein is the original Greek word that was translated to “greetings” in James 1:1.

A verse I’ve had on my wall for a few months now is Psalm 126:3.  “The Lord has done great things for us and we are filled with joy.”  I guess it’s safe to say that JOY is my theme for this year.  

I’m excited to learn more in this Bible study.  I never realized that James (author of the book of the Bible, James) is Jesus’s brother.  More accurately, he’s Jesus’s half-brother.  They share the same mother, Mary, but have different fathers.  James’s father is Joseph, and Jesus’s father is God.  I’m sure many new things will be revealed to me as I continue this series.

Something I’m thankful for this morning is a second night in a row of baby E getting six consecutive hours of sleep.  With that I’ll leave you with a closing greeting.  Chairein!  (Pronounced Ki Rain)

Baby E

Life with baby Ezra is getting easier and more enjoyable each week.  I think we have finally adjusted to our new life as parents.  It took several weeks, but we are now getting decent amounts of sleep most nights.  Ezra wakes up one or two times at night to nurse, but otherwise has slept pretty soundly.  It’s amazing how big a difference getting rest makes in your day!

E is growing well and has received his first big round of shots.  He had a tongue tie clipped, which has helped his efficiency with nursing.  I think he may have a lip tie, so  we are trying to get an appointment with his doctor scheduled to get that checked.

Our winter has been much milder than last winter.  Praise God!  The warmer temperatures have allowed us to get out of the house with baby E much easier.  The roads have been relatively easy to drive on with the lesser amount of ice and snow this year.

Cooper has adjusted to life with his little brother, also.  We think he will become really interested in baby E once solid foods appear on the menu.  For now Cooper shows interest but knows to be gentle.

Here are some photos from January.  Enjoy 🙂