Back in October I signed up for the Cold Hands Warm Hearts glove swap hosted by Sandy and Ilene.  I was matched up with another blogger, Courtney, to send a pair of gloves and other goodies to in the mail.  This blog post was supposed to be submitted December 13, but I was a little busy that day.  I was in the hospital preparing to give birth to my sweet baby, Ezra.  So…I think that’s a pretty good excuse for running late on this little assignment 😉

Courtney sent me some awesome goodies.  I received a pair of brown gloves.  They’ve already been put to good use up here in frosty Michigan.  She also sent me two cute flower hair pins, a fun green bracelet and a package of great smelling bath products.  Thanks, Courtney!  I hope you got your package from me in time to participate in the blog link-up and that you like the goodies I sent your way.

Tomorrow is my due date. (a status update & request)

Tomorrow is my due date.  I have not had my baby yet.  I’m not in the hospital.  I’m not in labor, and I don’t have any signs of labor starting soon.  The full moon had no effect on me.  I walked for hours over the weekend, ate many spicy foods and I know the various other methods of trying to naturally induce labor. 

I know there will be questions on “how I’m feeling” flooding in as I hit and pass up my due date.  I know this because I’ve already received many of these questions at 37, 38 and 39 weeks.  First, thank you to everyone for showing so much excitement, concern and enthusiasm for us as we anxiously await the birth of our son.  Secondly, I’d like to humbly ask that you don’t ask me if I’m in labor or if I’m having any “signs” of labor starting soon.  (Basically, you’re asking about the exact state of my vagina…kind of personal, eh?)  I’m excited and anxious to meet my baby, and the questions make me feel more anxious, over-whelmed and like I’m failing at having him “on time.”  I cannot control when this baby will be born, and I want to meet him at least as bad as anyone else.  If you want to tell me you’re thinking of me, that’s great.  If you want to pray that God will give me peace and patience as I wait for His perfect timing and for a safe and healthy delivery, that would be even better. 

I realize this may sound rude.  I really don’t want it to sound that way, but I’m not sure how else to express my emotions now.  I simply don’t want any more stress than is necessary.  If you’re reading this (and you are, obviously) then you care about me, and I’m very grateful for that.  Thank you.

P.S.  This is a totally off-topic question, but do people still write thank you notes?  I’ve given several wedding and baby shower gifts this year, and have yet to receive a thank you note (or even Facebook acknowledgment) from all but one person.